Premium Plugins & Coding Solutions

My collection of “No-Fluff” Squarespace plugins and code generators for all web builders are designed to fit your practical needs, whether you design small- to large-scale websites, or you have a website you’re looking to enhance. They are mobile-friendly, web-accessible, and customizable.

Mega Menus

Mega Menu - Squarespace 7.1
Mega Menu - Squarespace 7.1
$150 Single License (one purchase = single site use)
Mega Menu V2 - Squarespace 7.1
Mega Menu V2 - Squarespace 7.1
$75 Single License (one purchase = single site use)
Mega Menu V3 - Squarespace 7.1
Mega Menu V3 - Squarespace 7.1
$150 Single License (one purchase = single site use)

Choose from Our All-Access Bundles Below

If you are a web designer or even just a regular website owner that would benefit from having access to all of my coding solutions, view your options below:

Squarespace Plugin & Code Generator Member Area
One time

Are you a Squarespace web designer or even just a Squarespace user that would benefit from adding all of my plugins and coding solutions to your toolbox? Get centralized access to all current and future coding solutions that can be used for multiple websites without the hassle of handling licenses and keeping up with separate password-protected pages. This option includes all Squarespace plugins and all code generators.

Code Generator Member Area
One time

Are you a web designer for one or multiple web builder platforms or even just a website owner that would benefit from adding all of my coding generators to your toolbox? Get centralized access to all current and future coding generators that can be used for multiple sites and website builders (Squarespace, WordPress, Wix, HubSpot, etc.) without the hassle of handling licenses and keeping up with separate password-protected pages. This option includes all code generators.